This year’s AGM/EGM format will be very different as it will happen online with a video conference platform. Links to all the presentations, reports and relevant documents will be sent to members via email a week before the live session. The AGM/EGM pack will include short video presentations as well as PDF versions of all reports. The content of the pack will not be presented to members again on the night of the AGM/EGM. Should you have any queries or questions to ask regarding the AGM/EGM content, please email them to agm@english31.org.
We will be posting the questions and answers daily as will be explained in the AGM/EGM pack. The live session of the meeting will start with a brief welcome and then a Q&A session during which additional questions will be answered prior to reviewing the results of the vote.
The meetings will open for online consultation of the reports, the video presentations and for voting no later than 22:00 on Wednesday, 18 November. The live, online session of the meetings will start promptly at 20:00 on Tuesday 24 November to answer questions prior to finalizing the vote. Voting will close at approximately 20h45 on Tuesday, 24 November 2020 and the results will be reviewed prior to the expected close of our AGM and EGM around 21h00.